Written by Sandie Barrie Blackley, MA/CCC
Published on August 16, 2024
Grade level reading is defined as the average passage difficulty level (as measured by one of the many readability formulas) that most students at a specific grade level can read with understanding. Again: grade level reading is what most students at a grade level can read. If this definition seems circular, it is!
Every week, Lexercise therapists talk with parents who are concerned that their child is reading “below grade level.” In most cases, the child’s teacher has told the parents that the child struggles to keep up. Even when parents observe their child’s reading difficulties, they may not understand the meaning of grade level reading or what can be done to help the child improve.
Reading is a complex activity; it is not a single thing. Consider the differences in reading:
Further, within each of these examples, the difficulty level can vary widely. Just as some books are more complex than others, some food labels are more complex than others.
Attempts to capture reading difficulty levels have typically focused on passages or books. Over the years, different readability formulas have been developed to index the difficulty level of passages. These formulas count elements like word length (number of syllables, number of letters), word frequency, and sentence length. But, even with all the diligent counting, there is no agreed-upon standard for indexing the difficulty of reading a written passage.
Another big problem with using “grade level” as a meaningful measure of reading is that there is huge overlap across grades in the difficulty level of passages that students can read and understand.
For example, see the graph below. The purple area under the first/left curve represents the reading scores of average 3rd graders and the teal area under the second/right curve represents the reading scores of average 5th graders. The overlapped area in the middle shows that an average 3rd grader and an average 5th grader could have the same score!
We are used to thinking about grade level reading as a single number, such as, “My child is reading at a 3rd-grade level.” But it would be more accurate to think of reading level as a range. For example:
Children may read below their grade level for several reasons. Dyslexia is a common issue, making it difficult for kids to decode words and understand text. Other factors can include inadequate early reading instruction, a lack of practice, or language barriers. Additionally, conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or visual impairments can also impact reading skills. Identifying the root cause is crucial for providing the right support and helping children improve their reading abilities.
If your child is a struggling reader or you have been told your child is reading below grade level, Lexercise can help. Lexercise identifies and treats dyslexia and other learning difficulties with online reading, writing, and spelling therapy. Children who complete the Lexercise program improve 3 grade levels on average!
If you are interested in finding out the grade level that your child is currently in, or have noticed that may might need extra help getting to the next level, we recommend exploring our Reading & Spelling Inventory assessment. Schedule a call with one of our expert therapists today to learn more.
The students in your video look young. Is it also for student in middle and high school ?
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Thank for this detailed information that I too believe is critical for students who are struggling with reading. My whole-hearted desire is to be able to help as many as I can. These teaching skills have given me a better understanding of how to improve my teaching techniques.